Join us for a webinar discussing the future of our constantly evolving global regulatory landscape. We'll discuss the future around key regulatory issues and how they will impact our industry.
- Focus on Chemical, Product Safety, and Sustainability regulations
- Overview of the US and Canadian (federal, state/provincial) regulatory landscape
- High level review of international regulatory scene with specific focus on EU
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Nick Rudowich
Director, State Affairs
Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)
Nick leads a dynamic, regionally based team and coordinates all state level advocacy efforts to advance the association’s policy priorities. He brings ten years of state affairs experience to AEM, seven of those advocating directly to state and local officials from around the United States to promote and protect manufacturers.

Nick Tindall
Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs
Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)
Nick has been with AEM for 16 years. A native of north central Iowa where his family still farms, he earned a bachelor's in political science from the University of Northern Iowa and master's in political management from George Washington University.

Jason Malcore
Senior Director, Safety & Product Leadership
Association of Equipment Manufacturers
Jason Malcore is the Senior Director of AEM's Safety & Product Leadership Department, where he leads a team of hardworking individuals dedicated to addressing regulations, compliance, standards, and safety issues for the off-road equipment industry. He brings to AEM a firm belief in the value provided by professional and effective compliance work, and a passion for all things safety. Before arriving at AEM, he spent 10 years working as a product compliance and regulatory affairs professional at a variety of manufacturing companies in the engine, chemicals and commercial appliance sectors.