AEM Assists in the Ongoing Development of 3D Grade Control Interoperability Standard



InteroperabilityAn International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard for 3D grade control interoperability has been in development since 2018. Through ISO, AEM continues to support standards development and drive member engagement, promoting collaboration between members who would otherwise be competitors. 

The standard for interoperability, ISO/TS 15143-4: Worksite Topographical Data Exchange, builds on ISO/TS 15143-3: Telematics Data Exchange, enabling vendors of various 3D grade control systems to efficiently interoperate on a single worksite. The scope of the standard includes earthwork, grading, and compaction and focuses on localization, real-time kinematic positioning (RTK) radio corrections, digital terrain models (ISO LandXML), project data, and as-built data. This interoperation allows contractors to more easily manage a mixed fleet jobsite from their preferred site management system (SMS). 

Since numerous different systems will be interconnected, validation of this standard is extremely important. Learning from ISO/TS 15143-3: Telematics Data Exchange, prototypes are being developed and tested by manufacturers during development of the standard, rather than following publication. The results of those interoperability tests have been used by working group members and incorporated into the standard to improve its accuracy and usability.  

The working group continues to drive towards publication, currently targeting summer 2024. While most current vendor systems that are up-to-date and connected through telematics will be compatible with the standard, AEM manufacturer members hope to have fully compliant solutions available in the market in late 2024.  

Several members of the working group presented an overview of the standard during an education session at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023. AEM continues to help drive awareness and adoption of technology throughout the industry, promoting the benefits of an interoperability standard. 

If you are interested in learning more or getting involved in the development of ISO/TS 15143-4, contact AEM Senior Director of Construction Sara Feuling at

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