AEM recently joined industry leaders and stakeholders for a field day on modern spray drift control technology, hosted by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) in southwest Michigan.
The event brought together state and federal policymakers, regulators, commodity groups and manufacturers for discussions around technology and industry standards. Among the manufacturers in attendance were AEM member companies John Deere, Hagie, Case IH, ACGO, Intelligent Ag, GUSS and SurePoint Ag Systems. The field day offered companies the chance to exhibit and demonstrate spray drift technology to attendees.
The field day event was held in conjunction with the annual international plenary meeting of the International Standards Organization. Delegates from 19 countries, including Japan, Switzerland, Germany and India gathered at the annual plenary to update and revise drone and spraying standards. Hosting the meeting in Michigan helped international delegates understand the unique concerns American famers and manufacturers face, and it gave them a uniquely valuable opportunity to learn about emerging sprayer technologies.
By bringing together standards committee members and regulators to learn about new technology in US agriculture, AEM helps ensure that the unique concerns of US manufacturers and farmers are considered during the standards writing process and that the most up to date agricultural practices are included in the standards. As these stakeholders come together to write a consensus standard, the association will continue encouraging legislators and regulators to codify and adopt these standards into law.
For questions on sprayer standards, please contact AEM Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs Nick Tindall at
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