AEM’s Sara Truesdale Mooney Earns Institute for Organizational Management IOM Designation for Demonstrating Notprofit Management Knowledge



Sara Truesdale MooneyAEM’s Sara Truesdale Mooney recently earned the IOM designation from the Institute for Organization Management for demonstrating knowledge essential to the practice of notprofit management. 

Mooney is a senior vice president at AEM, with responsibility for association membership, sales, marketing, market share statistics, business intelligence and IT. She completed 96 hours of course instruction focused on advocacy, media training, membership, finance, legal issues, human resources, and more, all of which help leaders enhance the skills necessary to successfully help run a nonprofit organization. 

As a passionate lifelong learner, I’m pleased to announce that I have earned my IOM designation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,” said Mooney. “As an innovative association, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) has adopted numerous new practices and approaches I’ve learned from the expert faculty at Institute over the past few years. With my IOM certificate now in hand, I look forward to continuing to innovate to add even more value for our members.” 

Mooney joined 20 fellow graduates of the IOM Midwest Institute, all of whom took part in sessions taught by university professors, industry experts, and leading practitioners in the chamber and association industries. While on-site attendees participate in 24 hours of course instruction and engage in lively discussions, and the curriculum is very closely tied to the Certified Association Executive (CAE) and Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) bodies of knowledge. 

For more information on the Institute for Organization Management, visit 

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