Investment in Hargrove & Associates (HAI) Poised to Drive Growth, Long-Term Success



HargroveAs both organizations look ahead to 2024 and beyond, AEM is investing in Hargrove & Associates (HAI) to position the company for future growth and long-term success.

Angela Kay Larson, HAI’s former Board Chair, has taken on the role of interim chief executive officer (CEO) at HAI. Brian Seebacher has transitioned to the role of the company’s chief technology officer (CTO), where he will focus full attention on the data processing and technical side of the business by continuing to develop new products, keeping existing platforms current and relevant, and looking for new ways to provide value. Todd Snell will remain in his current role as HAI’s chief operations officer (COO).

“AEM and HAI are committed to this new direction and will work together toward a successful future that is focused on bringing in new clients and leveraging our combined strength in delivering both best-in-class data services and exceptional customer service,” said AEM President Megan Tanel.  

With an extensive background in both marketing and sales, Larson has worked for more than 20 years in the equipment manufacturing industry as a marketing executive and consultant. She has served on the HAI Board since 2019 and has held the position of Board Chair for the past year.

As the company continues to position itself for sustained success and growth, HAI will work to strengthen its business in support of AEM member company needs, focusing on data engineering and new products to provide value to both current and future clients.

“The innovative use of data has transformed the equipment manufacturing industry, and HAI looks forward to deepening its 30-plus-year working relationship with AEM and positioning ourselves for continued growth through our portfolio of trade association consulting and managed services,” said Larson.

Larson is actively involved in AEM as a member of the Service Members Executive Committee and having previously served as Chair of the I Make America Advisory Council, Chair of the Market Intelligence Committee, and a member of the Public Affairs Committee; in addition, she was a founding member of AEM’s Ag Latin America Regional Management Committee.

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