Top Priorities, Exhibitions, Safety & Product Leadership Guide Discussions of AEM CE Sector Board



CE Sector BoardAEM’s CE Sector Board of Directors met in-person on Nov. 17 in Napa, California, to discuss its priorities for 2022 and 2023. The agenda also featured updates from AEM staff regarding the association’s service areas, including advocacy, regulatory, safety & product leadership and trade shows.  

CE Sector Board Chair Stephen Roy, senior vice president of Sales Americas, Volvo Construction Equipment, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the third and final meeting of 2022.  

Roy presented the consent agenda and highlighted several notable items from reports, including priorities for market share statistics programs, expanded data available in the Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard, and membership goals and milestones. 

2022-2023 Priorities  

The CE Sector Board priorities for 2022 and 2023 are:  

  • Sustainability Initiatives  
  • Workforce Solutions 
  • Customer Expectations 
  • Regulatory Awareness and Engagement  

AEM Senior Director of Workforce and Industry Initiatives Julie Davis provided an overview of the work of the Sustainability Council, which continues to focus on building alignment across the industry, growing supply chain success, and powering a positive perception of sustainability. Davis also touched on the future of workforce and the priorities of the Workforce Development Committee, including AEM’s support of a high school technician curriculum. 

Trade Shows 

AEM Senior Vice President of Exhibitions and Marketing Nicole Hallada and AEM Vice President of Exhibitions and Event Services Dana Wuesthoff provided an update on exhibitions, including CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023, which continues to meet revenue goals for space sales. Attendee registration and education sales for both CONEXPO-CON/AGG and IFPE are showing very positive pacing compared to previous shows. 

Safety & Product Leadership  

AEM Senior Director of Construction Sara Feuling provided an overview of the organizational changes within the Safety & Product Leadership department, including committee structure and communication strategy. AEM continues to focus their efforts on engine emissions regulations, chemical management regulations, supply chain legal requirements and global safety standards adoptions. 

Celebration of Construction on the National Mall 

AEM Vice President of Construction and Utility Sectors John Somers provided an update on planning for the inaugural Celebration of Construction on the National Mall, a multi-day event which will showcase the equipment, technology, and materials that are transforming road and bridge construction and building a sustainable future. The event, scheduled for May 14-16, 2023, will educate and inform federal agency officials, members of Congress and the general public. 

Engine Emissions  

David Nicoll, Industrial Power Systems product manager at Caterpillar, Chair of AEM’s Engine Emissions Strategy Task Force, provided an update from the task force and reviewed a summary of position paper on engine emissions. The position paper provides a shared vision for the future and recommendations from the industry, including a wholistic view of emission reductions aimed to educate regulators along with other industry stakeholders. 

Aggregated Industry Data 

AEM Vice President of Business Intelligence and HAI Business Operations Larry Buzecky provided an overview and potential use cases of how AEM could tell the industry's story and support the construction sector using an anonymized, aggregated data set. The CE Sector Board will continue to discuss opportunities to utilize data to bring value to our members and the industry. 


AEM Vice President of Federal Affairs Kate Fox Wood and AEM Senior Vice President of Government and Industry Relations Kip Eideberg discussed current AEM state and federal advocacy efforts related to the CE Sector, including the initial legislative outlook for key states and the 118th Congress. 

The next meeting of the CE Sector Board is scheduled for Feb. 23 in Washington, D.C. For more information about the CE Sector Board, contact John Somers at 

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