Vote Now and Vote Often: Help Recognize the Success of AEM’s Internship Program



Internship ProgramAEM’s revitalized internship program has once again been nominated as a top program through National Intern Day. Help support the program and recognize its ongoing success by voting today – and every day – through July 18. 

For the better part of the last two years, AEM’s human resources department has worked to further develop an internship program that is increasingly open to a more diverse crowd of candidates, fosters greater levels of accessibility, and meets the needs of applicants who may have changed their respective career paths or veterans who are re-entering the workforce. 

At AEM, we are working to continually enhance our internship program to ensure it fosters win-win situations for both AEM staff and our interns,” said Sarah Spanjar, SHRM-CP, AEM human resources manager, who manages the association’s program. As our internship program continues to evolve and grow with time, we encourage our members to recognize all the progress we have made so far and cast their vote.” 

Since committing to revitalize its internship program in 2022, AEM has: 

  • Created an intern handbook and a handbook on intern management

  • Fostered more frequent dialogues between the program facilitator and interns, as well as the interns and their managers 

  • Developed workshops covering many topics to address program feedback received from interns and managers, including: 

  • Personal Values 

  • Networking 

  • Career Pathing 

  • Resume Building 

  • Interviewing 

  • Career Development Roadmap Action Planning 

“It’s not enough simply to find work for our interns and provide opportunities for them to gain relevant experience,” said Spanjar. “We want AEM interns to develop and hone their professional skills, immerse themselves in our culture, and play key role in helping our association build both a stable talent pipeline and enhance our positive brand perception.” 

For more information and to cast a vote, visit To learn more about AEM’s internship program, contact Sarah Spanjar at  

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