Welcome to 2025! Let’s Remember Our Work is Just Getting Started



By Megan Tanel, AEM President and CEO 

"The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all." Josiyah Martin 

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2025! I’m so excited for all we have to look forward to in the months ahead, as we continue to build on past accomplishments and work together to drive sustained success for our member companies and our industry. 

As 2025 gets underway, AEM leaders and staff can’t wait to meet with and engage you all at the following major events this year: 

AEM closed out 2024 with a solid financial performance and strong assets to help us continue to support our member services and strategic initiatives, as well as position us to meet the goals associated with our newly launched 2025-2027 Strategic Plan. While some of our activities and priorities will evolve as we work to execute our plan, what won’t change is our unwavering commitment to supporting your business goals, helping you take advantage of everything your AEM membership has to offer, and advocating for pro-manufacturing policies that benefit us all.  

2024 was an incredible year for AEM, and one that we won’t soon forget. We launched the largest public engagement initiative in our history, the AEM Manufacturing Express, and we set a record for the largest and most engaged membership in the association’s 130-plus-year history. Those successes are not only a reflection of the strength and soundness of AEM, but also the willingness of our 1,100-plus member companies to work together and speak with one voice on behalf of the off-road equipment industry.  

We’re poised to do so much in 2025, thanks in no small part to our driven and talented staff and our member leaders, as well as the support of the entire AEM membership. The new year brings with it an opportunity to renew your commitment to building positive momentum for the industry, help AEM accomplish its goals, and position us all for a bright future. 

If you have any questions about your AEM membership, please reach out to Paul Flemming at pflemming@aem.org, or contact your Account Success Advisor. And know that our staff is always interested in learning more about you and your businesses. If there’s an opportunity to join you at your facility for a tour, celebrate a milestone, or catch up when you’re in town in Milwaukee or DC, please reach out to your Account Success Advisor or me at mtanel@aem.org. We all learn so much from the interactions we have with you and your teams. 

I wish you all a healthy, successful, and Happy New Year! 

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